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IR Workshop - a review
Blazing sun, fleecy clouds and a gentle breeze. The conditions on the island of Rügen were absolutely perfect for the first infrared workshop of the year. No wonder the mood was so good.
I welcomed a total of 7 participants to Lauterbach last Friday. They were all highly motivated and curious, some of them were on their second trip to the island with me. The time of year was just perfect, the fresh green on the trees conjured up the most beautiful white on our memory cards.
As always, the choice of subjects and the organization of the day was very varied. Some theory, photography on the coast, in the forest and spa architecture. And on Saturday evening, our heads were spinning at the post-processing seminar. On the last day, we saw how differently everyone approaches the subject of IR photography during the photo review. Each participant provided 3 images, which were analyzed and constructively improved.

It was great, but once again far too short! I'm really looking forward to the next workshops. There are still 2 dates left this year and there are still places available at both: