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Not just landscapes. IRre street photography
A contribution by Michael Henning Rost
It's that time of year again - the typical time for infrared photography. Sunshine, fresh green leaves on the trees, lush meadows in wide landscapes and a few snow-white clouds in the deep blue sky. And then an old church ruin or a castle on the top of a hill. What lover of IRren photos doesn't look forward to these great motifs?
But infrared photography also offers many creative possibilities beyond the photography of seemingly snow-covered landscapes.

Street photography, for example, documents everyday life without posing situations. It is important here to adhere to the general rules of this genre and, for example, not to portray the people photographed as the main motifs, but rather as anonymous components of a general everyday situation.
In addition to my excursions into nature, I also enjoy traveling in cities. There are always great motifs in all public areas. So I've started to use my IRre camera, which has been converted to 700 nm, in urban environments too. I find it very appealing to capture the scenery on the one hand, but also the essential elements of IR photography, such as the wood effect.
The photos for this article were taken in Barcelona, Hamburg, Hanover, Prague and Wismar.
Incidentally, using unconverted cameras in conjunction with an IR filter on the lens makes little sense here, as the exposure time becomes too long and the autofocus often no longer works reliably. Spontaneous hand-held photography is therefore virtually impossible and many photogenic moments are irretrievably lost once and for all.
Text & Photos ©Michael Henning Rost
More pictures on instagram: #michaelhenningrost and on facebook.