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IRreCams infrared screw-in filter standard or plus version?
Time and again, our customers ask us what the difference between our Screw filter versions is. We offer two different versions of most of our infrared screw-in filters: The standard version and a plus version. But what exactly is the difference between these two filter versions?
Probably the biggest advantage of the Plus version is the hydrophobic surface coating of the filter glass. This means that the water does not melt on the surface of the glass, but instead contracts in a spherical shape - rolls off, so to speak, which makes cleaning the glass surface much easier.

On the other hand, the plus filters have a slim filter ring. This narrower filter ring reduces the risk of vignetting (both versions have a front thread) - in other words, the risk of unsightly shading of the corners of the image is reduced in contrast to the standard filters.

While the long-pass filters in the Plus version deliver the same image look as the standard counterpart, both the InfraBlue- as well as the Normal Filters improved in the Plus version in terms of color reproduction. The Normal Plus filter therefore works much better with the automatic white balance of most cameras.
Last but not least, the packaging of the Plus filters has been modernized - so there has been a small design update. The future definitely belongs to the Plus filters because they are clearly the better product. The last standard filters that we still have in stock are now on sale and their price is reduced by 30%.