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Free Astro Webinar on October 12th
The sight of the night sky on a clear night can be absolutely fascinating. But what is the best way to photograph it? Which camera settings make sense and how can you optimize the camera for astrophotography? And what is this H-alpha that everyone is talking about?
To make it easier to get started, I've teamed up again with the Fuji Store Nuremberg . On Oct. 12 at 7 p.m., the interactive Stargazing will begin on Zoom. The seminar will be given by me as a co-speaker: an experienced astrophotographer will show you what to look for to get impressive results at night. I will then talk specifically about the possibilities of astromodification, advantages and disadvantages of filters and explain what actually H-Alpha is. Don't miss the webinar and register for it right here. (The webinar will be held in German only, I'm sorry).
The recording of the live event can be accessed now (German language only, sorry).