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Dieter H.
I recently received a very nice email from a satisfied customer:
Sony Alpha 3000
The Sony Alpha 3000 can now be officially converted. For 189,- EUR you get an infrared conversion with free choice of filter and return shipment to your home, without any risk.
The "golden fall" is as good as over. We are approaching the dreary and leafless November mood, here on the way in a forest in Western Pomerania. The photo was taken with a 630 nm filter and processed in black and white.
Panasonic GH3
I have added a camera to the conversion service offer. I now rebuild the Panasonic Lumix GH3 for a flat rate of 189,- EUR. Please inquire via eMail or the contact form.
Wannsee shore
Something with leaves again today. A view of the Wannsee shore in Berlin. The color infrared was taken with a 630 nm filter, the blue sky comes as always through the channel swap.
Leafless Color
Same image as last Sunday, but as a color version. The 700 nm filter can produce rich colors if you dare to touch the controls. The R-B channel swap also makes the sky blue instead of orange.
Autumn is slowly approaching, so it's time to get out and photograph some leaves on the trees! I've just realized that I've photographed less infrared than ever before. How busy have you been this year?
NEX 6 on green
The Sony NEX 6 mirrorless system camera is now green and can be converted.
New page online
After more than a year of development and many delays, the site is now online in a new look. In addition to a fresh design, which is also optimized for phones and tablets, there are also many new features and improvements. For example, there are new contact options directly via the site, a detailed price list, FAQs, updated filter comparisons and RAW...
And another one
pointless blog entry...
New Posts:
IRreCams infrared screw-in filter standard or plus version?
Behind the scenes - IRreCams at NDR DAS!
Infrared workshops 2025
A journey to Infrared Portrait Photography
Exhibition: Rheinhessen in a different light
A total solar eclipse captured in Infrared
On the track of the violin - Forensic Infrared and UV images for instrument analysis
Limit of Infrared sensitivity for different camera sensors
Fountains Abbey Monastery Ruins in Infrared
UV Photography: How does sunscreen work on the beach?
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